Lipstick lady: Haha.. yea.. indeed it looks interesting.. porridge is the easiest food to cook with anything, I think. Just have to carefully choose the ingredients to be mix with. If not it would be odd-looking? :p
Peter: No I didn't prepare it myself. It's prepared by my housemaid. She prepares our daily meal :p
lol... that's a weird looking and a super weird combination of ingredients!!! hahahahaha potato... groundnut... fishball... sausage... and chicken breast sumore...
Thanks for the concerns from all of you.. :) I am very much alive, perhaps. And Peter, No, I think there wasn't any of "hidden ingredients" inside it which will cause any discomfort or whatsoever, because I haven't had gone through any of the sickness after eating that porridge.
What I can say is :"Don't judge a book by its cover."
oh... I'm not sure how I'm supposed to react. it looks very... interesting?
porridge is just damn good with anything
I guess you prepared it yourself? So, that would be why you know what was in it. If not...
Lipstick lady: Haha.. yea.. indeed it looks interesting.. porridge is the easiest food to cook with anything, I think. Just have to carefully choose the ingredients to be mix with. If not it would be odd-looking? :p
Peter: No I didn't prepare it myself. It's prepared by my housemaid. She prepares our daily meal :p
Wow, a housemaid! That sounds like good service!
But, at least you know what she put in!
lol... that's a weird looking and a super weird combination of ingredients!!! hahahahaha potato... groundnut... fishball... sausage... and chicken breast sumore...
oh gosh... how did it taste anyway :P
Cute post! It the MOST appetizing, but it sounds like it would be really good. I wish I had a housemaid...sigh...
After all, are you sure you felt well afterwards? No posting since a couple of days!
I hope this isn't what it looked like AFTER you had eaten it!
Good try Emily!! Maybe I should make this for my next meal! LOL
your maid must be very
"happy" to know that you still very much alive!!!
... getting more and more worried about you! Please give a sign and tell us that you feel well. Was there a hidden ingredient that was not listed?
Thanks for the concerns from all of you.. :) I am very much alive, perhaps. And Peter, No, I think there wasn't any of "hidden ingredients" inside it which will cause any discomfort or whatsoever, because I haven't had gone through any of the sickness after eating that porridge.
What I can say is :"Don't judge a book by its cover."
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